Supporting association
National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO)
National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) was established as an autonomous self-regulatory apex national body in 1998 under the aegis of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India. The housing and real estate sector in India and allied industries hailed establishment of NAREDCO and visualized it as a single platform of Government, industry and the public to discuss issues relating to development and advocacy of policies and systems. NAREDCO was formed with the mandate to induce transparency and ethics in real estate business and transform the unorganized Indian real estate industry into a mature, professional and globally competitive industry.
NAREDCO strives to be the collective voice of the real estate industry. It strives to be the leading advocate for developing standards for efficient, effective and ethical real estate business practices, valued by the stakeholders and viewed crucial for success. NAREDCO works to create and sustain a business environment conducive for the growth of the real estate industry in India, in partnership with industry and Government alike through advisory and consultative processes.

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